Well with the weather being so Universally shitty just lately, it has meant that any hope of doing any work at the moment, near impossible, unless I want to be a drowned rat and catch Pneumonia toiling away in the garden under this cold Autumn / Winter weather, in what the weather men, sorry person's are saying is the worse weather in a thousand years, yehhhh, tell that to Noah!!!! Albeit a few thousand years further back!!! lol!!!

Next up was the existing fence which was of decent enough quality, but had unfortunately been painted with the cheapest of cheap green crappy fence protector from Morrisons. So instead of just trying to paint over it and have a mix of green and brown, I got creative, and maybe stupid, but my gamble paid off, as I used my pressure washer to wash off 40metres of 8metres high of the fence, removing the horrible green faded "puke" protector. You can see in the pics when I sampled the pressure washer, then the job completed!!

When I first moved into my house, I found that although in a completly run down state, garden old fashioned, no love and care taken over them, etc, the people from before had left an old bench, which due to the weather, was rotten, mossy, and if you tried sitting on it, you would break it and fall though, but I thought, here is my template, so I measured it all up, took some photos, and drew some drawings, and then bought some more timber (the merchants love me!!!!!) to make a new bench, only better, and stronger!!

My next task to be kind to the birds, as I live near a nature reserve and get countless birds coming into my garden, and as sappy as it sounds, I do get pleasure in feeding them, and see them come into the garden to feast on the various snacks of fat balls (home made, curtesy of the meat from the George Foreman Lean Green fat Bursting grilling machine, or whatever the hell its called, and seed from a huge 25kg bag of seed, made into a balls, then put in the freezer to go solid) seed and bread, etc. Anyway after going to many a Garden Centre, decided to make myself a nice spanky, I mean swanky Bird Table, using scraps of wood left over from all my other projects, Had to buy the upright post, and one square piece, but all in all, cost me £8 to make using new and scraps of timber, etc.

Now one of the beat up, old run down items that has been in my garden since I bought the house a couple of years ago, and was maybe, but doubt it, in its prime 30 years ago when it was built, was my Shed, built in 1977, using discoloured mouldy Blockwork, an asbestos roof and a rotten door and window. And next door to it, what the previous owners considered to be a greenhouse, was seriously old and falling down, which was to me a future pile of rubble and bonfire wood, regardless to say, few weeks after moving in, it was gone!!!! 

Anyway, as I cant get out in the garden to do any work, decided to back date my blog a little, as I only started end of last month, and have been in my house just over 2 years now!! So will do a little recap on some of the gardening work, and things I have made, in relation to the garden.
Have to say, never did wood work at school, but since my dad showing me a few pointers a year and a half ago, and my mums creativeness, I have taken on my new skills with relish, and become quite the handy DIY'er!!! So will start at the beginning, before the veggie patch was done, or even a twinkle in my eye, with having to rebuild and make a new fence out of timber bought from the merchants, to replace the 25 year old tiny fence which was rotten and falling to pieces. As you can see in the pics, after removing the old fence, it went from nothing to a frame work to 14metres of completed painted fence!

Next up was the existing fence which was of decent enough quality, but had unfortunately been painted with the cheapest of cheap green crappy fence protector from Morrisons. So instead of just trying to paint over it and have a mix of green and brown, I got creative, and maybe stupid, but my gamble paid off, as I used my pressure washer to wash off 40metres of 8metres high of the fence, removing the horrible green faded "puke" protector. You can see in the pics when I sampled the pressure washer, then the job completed!!
Later on, whilst completing the veggie patch, needed to make a gate, so out of again timber from the merchants, I measured the area I wanted to fill, did a little ditty on paper, and proceeded to make a gate, which cost wise, taking out my time, cost me about £12!! not bad if you consider to buy it, would prob have cost me about £50-60!!!
When I first moved into my house, I found that although in a completly run down state, garden old fashioned, no love and care taken over them, etc, the people from before had left an old bench, which due to the weather, was rotten, mossy, and if you tried sitting on it, you would break it and fall though, but I thought, here is my template, so I measured it all up, took some photos, and drew some drawings, and then bought some more timber (the merchants love me!!!!!) to make a new bench, only better, and stronger!!

My next task to be kind to the birds, as I live near a nature reserve and get countless birds coming into my garden, and as sappy as it sounds, I do get pleasure in feeding them, and see them come into the garden to feast on the various snacks of fat balls (home made, curtesy of the meat from the George Foreman Lean Green fat Bursting grilling machine, or whatever the hell its called, and seed from a huge 25kg bag of seed, made into a balls, then put in the freezer to go solid) seed and bread, etc. Anyway after going to many a Garden Centre, decided to make myself a nice spanky, I mean swanky Bird Table, using scraps of wood left over from all my other projects, Had to buy the upright post, and one square piece, but all in all, cost me £8 to make using new and scraps of timber, etc.

Now one of the beat up, old run down items that has been in my garden since I bought the house a couple of years ago, and was maybe, but doubt it, in its prime 30 years ago when it was built, was my Shed, built in 1977, using discoloured mouldy Blockwork, an asbestos roof and a rotten door and window. And next door to it, what the previous owners considered to be a greenhouse, was seriously old and falling down, which was to me a future pile of rubble and bonfire wood, regardless to say, few weeks after moving in, it was gone!!!!
In place and on the site of the old green house will be built a nice new big wooden greenhouse circa 14' x 9', ready for 2010. And where the old shed was, is, I slowly refurbished it to make it look nice and new, painted it, replaced the wooden door, replaced the window, replaced the rood and painted it, now it look hugely different, and at the end of this I will show a before and after picture, next to each other!!!

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